I’ll let you in on a little secret…
You are not broken! There is nothing to fix! You are enough! You are an amazing, beautiful spark of divine energy… a beautiful soul.
Many years ago, I had hit rock bottom, which led me to a little-known life tool for self-awareness, called Voice Dialogue.
Voice Dialogue works with the different ‘selves’ or ‘parts’ of our personalities. When you get to know your parts, you are no longer a prisoner of conflict resulting from childhood upbringing and experiences, culture, society, social media and everything else that makes us behave and think we have to be something we are not.

Let us consider how your personality is constructed. The word personality comes from the latin root, “Persona”, which denotes a mask worn by actors. Our personality is made up of many masks. The Self, your self, is therefore not just one person, but something that wears a personality in the same way that actors wear masks. In Voice Dialogue, we refer to these different masks as Parts or Selves.
Voice Dialogue helps you to understand and work with the many Selves that make up the whole of you.

Do you ever hear a little voice in your head telling you, “You are not good enough!”, or “You should put others before yourself” or “I’ve got so much to do and so little time”?
We all experience these ‘little voices’ and the Voice Dialogue method is a way of getting to know them intimately, learning how and why they function in our lives and working with them in a collaborative way.
These ‘parts’ or ‘selves’ have a much bigger role in our life decisions than we think. Meeting your ‘parts’ will reveal more about how you react to different situations and explain why sometimes you experience life as a struggle.
Pain is an inevitable part of life BUT struggle is an option.

Living Alchemy Immersion Mentoring is a program for people keen to explore and go deeper.
This work is designed to assist you to understand yourself and your patterns, to facilitate the process of you separating from your sub-personalities. You will have more self-knowledge and awareness. It will reveal your true nature and the life you desire by creating more of what you truly want and less of what you settle for.
This means you will no longer be parts directed but soul directed.

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Pia is not only a Voice Dialogue facilitator; she is, without doubt, a wise teacher, a skilful coach. Pia is a true healer. She is unique in that she walks the talk. She is a living example of the power of Voice Dialogue and how it can be used to create the life you always wanted. In working with Pia I now have more awareness of who I am, and I am finally overcoming patterns that I have been stuck with since childhood and I am creating a life beyond my wildest dreams.
Pia has so much knowledge and life experience that she shares in a humbling way, making you feel comfortable and able to talk about anything with no fear of judgement. Most of all though Pia is a breath of fresh air, she is fun to work with and gives you all the practical tools you need to help yourself. Since working with Pia my life has changed in so many ways. Things I haven’t been able to understand my entire life I now understand, resentment I’ve held onto has been dissolved and I finally feel free to live my life being true to me. This is ultimate freedom and liberation for me. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to work with Pia. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Pia!
Pia is not only an extremely competent Voice Dialogue facilitator but also a genuinely caring human being. At a time when I was recovering from sustained narcissistic abuse Pia was able to apply the voice dialogue method in a very effective and understanding way. Some very difficult issues needed to be confronted and this required a sensitive yet sustained approach. I have no doubt that the work done with Pia was a major contributor to my recovering a normal life. I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending her.