8 weeks to change your body and your life...

At Breakfree Eating it takes 8-weeks to change your body, and change the way you think about and approach food forever. It’s truly life changing!

The Breakfree Eating Program is for you, if you’ve:

  • Tried every diet under the sun
  • Lost weight successfully, only to put it back on even more successfully
  • Joined gyms, exercised, run and struggled through countless boot camps
  • Beaten yourself up, struggled through detoxing and spent thousands of dollars on self-help books and programs
  • Seen counsellors, therapists and even tried tactics like hypnotherapy.

Don't worry... you're not alone.

You’re not alone in thinking “nothing will work…” and that you’re the only person in the world feeling lost, powerless and deeply frustrated.

At BreakFree Eating, we share and explore 3 SECRETS why no amount of dieting, no amount of exercise and certainly no amount of willpower will ever work.


(1.) The hidden thrill that is making you overeat

(2.) How food is your greatest friend fighting your feelings for you

(3.) That there’s a part of you that is afraid of being slim.


We go much deeper at BreakFree Eating. We will show you how you can harness those secrets and break free from overeating and food addiction forever, by understanding what is constantly sabotaging you.

So, what is in the program?

There’s 8 modules designed to be completed in a minimum of 8 weeks.

Most people take a little longer – there is a lot of rich material and practical resources in each module. You should take time, use them well and follow the plan carefully to get the best results.

Each module contains multiple training videos with tasks and exercises to go through and complete – each supported by insights, amazing revelations and a stack of downloads to help and support you all the way:


  • Why you get food cravings and how to deal with them
  • Why the brain is the key to why we indulge and overeat
  • How food cannot satisfy our physiological hunger – there’s something deeper
  • Our sustainable Freedom Food Plan using physical, neurological, psychological and biochemical knowledge to change your thinking and approach to food forever. The plan will help you lose weight quickly,


Plus, you get:

  • Guidelines, checklists, FAQs and helpful hints
  • Body Tracker Charts for all 8 weeks
  • Meal Plans for 8 weeks
  • Recipes and food guides and planners
  • Resources for men and resources for women
  • And much, much more…

The BreakFree Eating™ Program is a structured multi-faceted program which includes food plans (NOT diets), support, coaching, emotional assistance, and accountability to help you understand and control your addiction to food.


You’ll be invited to join our closed Breakfree Eating Facebook Community and get help and support from thousands of people who are doing or have done the Program.


When you sign up for the 8-week Breakfree Eating Program, you get lifetime membership and access to the Breakfree Eating community. You will be able to login at any time and you’ll also benefit from any updates and changes we make in the future.


Ready to get started?


We back the Program with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you’re not satisfied after 14 days, you can send us an email, cancel your membership and get your money back – no questions asked.

BreakFree eating is a different and deeper approach... and it really works.
- Jacinta


Take the food addiction quiz

Are you ready to find out if you're triggered by certain foods?

Discover how sensitive your body is to food cravings. These 9 quick questions will reveal your body’s hidden relationship with food and what you can do about it.